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Saturday Night Live: Steve Martin Plays Roger Stone in Cold Open

When it comes to Steve Martin’s history of impressions, the wackier the character he’s mimicking, the more spirited his delivery tends to be.

So, who else could possibly be trusted to become the comically strange public figure that is Roger Stone on Saturday Night Live? This is a man who dresses like Judge Doom from Who Framed Roger Rabbit in public! On purpose!

Thankfully, Martin was available and appeared in SNL‘s cold open segment, styled like an episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight, and expressed his unbridled glee over finally being indicted for lying to Congress and witness tampering and more. It’s finally his turn in the barrel, hooray?

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“Wow, what a fun couple of days. I’m loving the ride. Go Nixon!” Martin as Stone exclaims in the interview. “Honestly, I think I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. I mean, seven felonies! One, two, three — I can’t even count that high. How cool is that?!”

Although he tries to toe the line on the nascent narrative that Mr. Stone is too old and frail to deserve that kind of pre-dawn FBI raid and arrest at his home, making the rounds on TV is self-defeating. “Oh, right. I’m just a poor helpless old man. I’m 66. I’m almost as old as Sting,” he claims. “The experience was so harrowing. And afterwards, I could only manage one radio interview and a speech from the steps of the courthouse and two appearances on television. It’s horrible!”

And since subtlety is not in the man’s vocabulary, he throws in a “pardon me” plea to the POTUS just for good measure (note: the real life version of this whole thing wasn’t that much less ridiculous).

The segment also introduced Kate McKinnon’s newest chameleonic turn as embattled Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, who came under fire last week for saying that he didn’t understand why furloughed federal workers have been turning to local food banks for assistance and said they should all be getting loans instead.

“They could’ve liquidated some of their stocks,” McRoss suggests in this clean-up interview effort. “They could’ve sold some of their paintings. I mean, even if they sold a lesser Picasso, that’s still gonna get you through a week or two of yacht maintenance.”

Again, not too far off the mark of reality here.

PHOTOS: Saturday Night Live’s Best Political Impressions

Saturday Night Live</em>” class=”article-attached-image-img b-lazy” data-src=”https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/2019/01/27/e0c08f28-311b-4926-963e-c1af0550ce19/sarah-palin-snl.jpg|https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/2019/01/27/e0c08f28-311b-4926-963e-c1af0550ce19/sarah-palin-snl.jpg|https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/2019/01/27/e0c08f28-311b-4926-963e-c1af0550ce19/sarah-palin-snl.jpg” height=”1380″ src=”” title=”sarah-palin-snl.jpg” width=”2070″>Saturday Night LivePhoto: NBC

Saturday Night Live airs Saturdays at 11:30/10:30c on NBC.