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Siren’s Eline Powell Explains How the Freeform Show Creates the Underwater Mermaid Scenes

Siren</em>” class=”article-asset-video-placeholder-image hide b-lazy” data-src=”https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/r/2019/01/24/7d4d8763-8f56-4300-b8b7-2c9abb0b1d7c/crop/2070×1245+0+0/thumbnail/770×463/a490665a9dc4c80b9c7d0c2f62685927/190123-eline-powell-siren.jpg|https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/r/2019/01/24/7d4d8763-8f56-4300-b8b7-2c9abb0b1d7c/crop/2070×1245+0+0/thumbnail/1540×926/568c1e399d8efef6c69a757a0f003e2f/190123-eline-powell-siren.jpg|https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/r/2019/01/24/7d4d8763-8f56-4300-b8b7-2c9abb0b1d7c/thumbnail/2070×1245/d46b44764880d0259a53dd2587ea6f99/190123-eline-powell-siren.jpg” height=”463″ src=”” title=”Eline Powell, Siren​” width=”770″>

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Siren‘s Eline Powell Explains How They Create Underwater Scenes

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The mermaids on Siren are pretty otherworldly, but the real magic actually happens when it comes to creating the magical underwater creatures. In this exclusive video, Eline Powel, who plays Ryn, explains just how those magical underwater moments are made.

Though sirens are native to the unknown depths of the ocean, the underwater scenes of Siren are actually filmed in a huge, indoor tank. The actresses put on stretchy flesh-colored material that doubles as a wet suit and a blank slate for graphics experts to construct CGI on. It all looks a little silly, but it’s worth it when you get to see the final product.

Powell says water scenes are always her favorite to shoot, though they do present their own set of challenges that most actresses don’t have to deal with. “We do wear mono-fins … It’s not as big as I’d like, but it’s enough to do the mermaid movements.”

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Out of everything though, managing her mermaid hair is apparently the hardest. “When you do your breathing to go down under for your take, right before I go onto camera I always have to like hold all the hair back, and then when I swim into the shot I let it go… It doesn’t always work, but I’m getting the hang of it more and more,” Powell says.

Any girl who’s ever untangled saltwater hair knots will tell you that mermaid life ain’t all it’s cracked up to be hair-care wise. Guess that’s the price you pay to be a mythical sea creature.

Siren Season 2 premieres Thursday, Jan. 24 at 8/7c on Freeform.

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Photo: Jaimie Trueblood, ABC FAMILY