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The Big Bang Theory: Sheldon’s 50 Best and Worst Shirts, Ranked

The Big Bang Theory</em>” class=”article-asset-video-placeholder-image hide b-lazy” data-src=”https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/r/2017/10/30/14e9983c-58d7-4c3c-ab83-f68e6bfbf0c1/crop/2070×1245+0+0/thumbnail/770×463/48c56973b83394fd8ff9c4eea7ab97fb/171030-big-bang-theory.jpg|https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/r/2017/10/30/14e9983c-58d7-4c3c-ab83-f68e6bfbf0c1/crop/2070×1245+0+0/thumbnail/1540×926/9daea748b966bb4273173e194c84f061/171030-big-bang-theory.jpg|https://cimg.tvgcdn.net/i/r/2017/10/30/14e9983c-58d7-4c3c-ab83-f68e6bfbf0c1/thumbnail/2070×1245/b3233e84e1f90eead7bb890a819f0acb/171030-big-bang-theory.jpg” height=”463″ src=”” title=”Simon Helberg, Melissa Rauch, Mayim Bialik, Jim Parsons and Johnny Galecki, The Big Bang Theory” width=”770″>

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Throughout The Big Bang Theory‘s 12 seasons, Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons) has maintained his live-action cartoon character appearance in two main ways: one, Jim Parsons’ ageless face; and two, his signature wardrobe. Sheldon wears short-sleeved graphic t-shirts with nerdy scientific or pop cultural imagery over long-sleeved t-shirts. He will wear other stuff if he has to, but the superhero tee over the long-sleeved shirt has been his go-to since 2007 — which was long after that post-grunge look went out of style, but he’s a nerd. He doesn’t care about fashion.

But you know who does care about fashion? Me, Liam Mathews, TV Guide’s self-appointed men’s style expert. In honor of the final season, I’m taking a look back at the shirts Sheldon has worn throughout the show’s run and ranking 50 of them, from “iconic” to “I can’t, ick.” It took me five months. I kept putting it off because it felt like too much responsibility. But I’m ready now. Click the photo below to join me on this unforgettable sartorial journey.

The Big Bang Theory airs Thursdays at 8/7c on CBS.

(Full disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS.)

50 Sheldon Shirts on The Big Bang Theory, Ranked from Best to Worst