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Chicago Fire</em>” class=”article-asset-video-placeholder-image hide b-lazy” data-src=”×1245+0+0/thumbnail/770×463/b93a8a511ea37e86b154255522d89d00/190118-chicagofiremouch3-news.jpg|×1245+0+0/thumbnail/1540×926/ecd3f402ae6f2579e5857eaec486505f/190118-chicagofiremouch3-news.jpg|×1245/60858a97ffcd445e2023aba7eaadff17/190118-chicagofiremouch3-news.jpg” height=”463″ src=”” title=”​Christian Stolte, Chicago Fire” width=”770″>

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Chicago Fire Sneak Peek: Mouch Blows Up at Otis

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Considered half man, half couch for his love of posting up in front of the TV when he’s not on duty, Chicago Fire’s Mouch (Christian Stolte) is a kind and gentle human being. But when you make fun of his age, all bets are off.

In an exclusive sneak peek at Wednesday’s episode, Otis (Yuri Sardarov) learns that all-important fact the hard way after making one too many jokes about his elder’s age. It all went down when Mouch couldn’t wait to brag about the new TV he brought to the firehouse. And by new, I mean old. Really old.

“This thing is ancient! Is it steam powered or do you have to crank it by hand? I mean, I must have been in middle school when you bought this,” Otis joked.

But Mouch didn’t find the humor in Otis’ quips, blowing up at the younger firefighter with some choice words of his own. “At least I don’t spend my weekends pretending to fight dragons or play with Star Trek dolls,” Mouch said. “I may be an old man but you’re barely a man at all. You’re an infant.” That was way harsh, Mouch.

The episode, titled “Make This Right” finds him at odds with Otis over the sensitive topic of his age. Meanwhile, Casey (Jesse Spencer) and Severide (Taylor Kinney) investigate a motorcycle crash when the details don’t add up, and Brett (Kara Killmer), Foster (Annie Ilonzeh) and Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) secretly work to fix a dent in Ambulance 61’s bumper they believe they caused.

Chicago Fire airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on NBC.

Chicago Fire</em>” class=”article-attached-image-img b-lazy” data-src=”||” height=”1380″ src=”” title=”​Christian Stolte, Chicago Fire” width=”2070″>Christian Stolte, Chicago FirePhoto: Adrian Burrows/NBC

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