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Grey’s Anatomy was never going to let DeLuca’s (Giacamo Gianniotti) elevator seduction go unanswered. Link (Chris Carmack) finally made his big play for Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) this week and showed her why she should consider giving her heart to him. And he was… persuasive.

DeLuca knows Meredith’s backstory and understands her better on a personal level. He also clearly knows how to get her flustered. However, we have yet to see DeLuca with Meredith’s kids, who are arguably the most important part of her life. Thursday’s episode found Meredith disgruntled with Link’s arrogance over an incoming trauma patient and how he handled it. He ended up being right, of course, but Meredith was annoyed that he chose to show off rather than just communicate his plans to her. You know she has no time for that.

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However, Link was able to save the day when it came to Bailey’s (Meredith’s son, not the doctor) superhero-themed fifth birthday party. Karev (Justin Chambers) bailed on helping her, so Link stepped in and helped make sure the party was a raving success. You know what helps to melt a girl’s heart? Being absolutely great with her kids. On top of that, Link laid down a sad but endearing story about having cancer as a kid. It’s what inspired him to become a doctor, and it was a pretty great tale.

What the episode revealed is that Link knows how to make Meredith relax — and let’s face it, that’s super important with her busy schedule — and it was nice to see Meredith let her hair down. If this were happening last season after Riggs (Martin Henderson) bailed, or even shortly after Derek (Patrick Dempsey) died, we’d fully endorse Link as Meredith’s next romantic outing. He would make a perfect hookup partner or a great fling, but does he have what it takes to be Meredith’s next great love? He’s hot, you guys, but he just doesn’t make us feel the way that DeLuca did, and he doesn’t know Meredith well enough yet to convince us that he’s in this for the good and the bad. Meredith needs someone for the dark and twisty moments.

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The Meredith-DeLuca-Link love triangle wasn’t the only thing to go through a shift this week. Owen (Kevin McKidd) made his choice between Amelia (Caterina Scorsone) and Teddy (Kim Raver), giving Teddy his job so she can stay and he can be with Amelia. Does that seem like super wishful thinking? It should. Please expect there to be a devastating twist in the future, because there’s no way they all agree to co-parent that peacefully — especially when Teddy is so obviously still in love with Owen.

It’s safe to say that the romantic aspects of Grey’s Anatomy are about to get a lot messier before there is any resolution, so buckle up.

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 8/7c on ABC.

Grey’s Anatomy</em>” class=”article-attached-image-img b-lazy” data-src=”||” height=”1380″ src=”” title=”Chris Carmack, Grey’s Anatomy​” width=”2070″>Chris Carmack, Grey’s AnatomyPhoto: Mitch Haaseth, ABC

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